Protect Murujuga from another 50 years of toxic pollution!

As Yindjibarndi elder Tootsie Daniel says: Murujuga is a place that should be looked after and cared for — it’s not for industry.

Watch this video to learn more, then take action below:

Show your support for Murujuga Custodians!

Murujuga is the largest and oldest rock art gallery in the world, documenting humankind’s survival over more than 50,000 years.

But despite this, Woodside is seeking approval to keep its oldest LNG processing plant, the North West Shelf plant, open for another fifty years - and so causing immense destruction of the fragile rock art.

We can't let them destroy this iconic National Heritage listed place!

Earlier this year, Yindjibarndi Elder Tootsie Daniel was one of dozens of Traditional Custodians, political heavyweights and Australian cultural icons to sign an open letter to Minister Plibersek urging her to oppose the expansion.

Email Federal Environment Minister Plibersek to support Tootsie Daniel and insist the federal government refuse Woodside’s application to keep its polluting gas plant running until 2070.

Help us keep sharing this powerful message.

Tootsie’s video has already been shared with every federal government MP.

Events are being planned in Perth and Canberra with influencers and icons. But this message is too powerful and too important to only be heard by these powerholders — every person in Australia needs to hear it.

Please donate today to help us spread this video far and wide on social media.

Spread the Word

Murujuga contains important cultural heritage for the whole world — and we all should know how it is threatened by Woodside’s emissions.

Share Tootsie’s video with your friends and loved ones on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or by email.