Become a member of Friends of Australian Rock Art to help protect Murujuga’s world cultural heritage.


Membership is for 12 months from each AGM (generally held in March):

  • Concession - $5

  • Low Wage - $10

  • Waged - $20

  • Life Membership - $200

FARA often needs volunteers to assist at promotional events, general administration including fund-raising, grant writing, media relations and records/data management. Any help you can provide is very welcome.

Expressions of Interest

Complete the below form to express interest in joining Friends of Australian Rock Art. To become a member, you must support FARA's Objectives and agree to abide by its Constitution.

Join our committee

FARA holds committee meetings on the first Tuesday of each month ( except for January) from 6-8pm, with a light supper. These meetings discuss the various campaigns, submissions, research and news relating to the petroglyphs.  If you would like to attend, ring Sue on 0439 641 227 to ascertain the venue for the next meeting.  

Contact us to express interest in joining the committee.

Join our supporter’s list to stay up to date on our work to protect the Murujuga rock art.

Sign up to the FARA newsletter for all of our latest news, events, and initiatives.

View our newsletter archive.