Since 2006, we have been advocating to protect, preserve, and promote the rock art of Murujuga.
Friends of Australian Rock Art, Inc. or FARA, first came together in November 2005 as the Friends of Pilbara Rock Art, convened by the National Trust WA.
In 2006 FARA was established as an incorporated organisation by Hon. Robin Chapple and friends with the aim of preserving Australia’s rock art, particularly the ancient petroglyphs on the Burrup Peninsula. These are threatened with destruction by surrounding industrial emissions which turn into acid rain, eroding the patina on the rock surfaces and so destroying their engraved images.
To start with Remi Vignals, one of FARA’s founder members, organised a very successful world-wide awareness campaign for the rock art, called Stand Up for the Burrup. Actions were staged at many World Heritage sites and listed monuments, which were then compared to the overwhelming 50,000 year significance of the petroglyphs on the Burrup, which meet all nine of the criteria required for identification and official recognition by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
However, since 2010 FARA has chosen to engage directly with industry and government, endeavouring to change the legislation which allows uncontrolled expansion of industry and its destructive chemical emissions on the Burrup peninsula.
We have also engaged in research which proves irrefutably that the rock art is being increasingly destroyed by these emissions.
All of FARA’s activities are undertaken by volunteers who are passionate about the protection, preservation and promotion of rock art, particularly that of the Dampier Archipelago.
There have been some real successes along the way, with many more people now aware of the uniqueness of the rock art of the Dampier Archipelago.
FARA Activities
Friends of Australian Rock Art, Inc. (FARA) works to protect, preserve and promote Australian rock art, particularly the petroglyphs found in the Dampier Archipelago (including Murujuga/Burrup Peninsula) in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
To allow future generations to marvel at the beauty of Australia’s rock art, embodying a rich cultural heritage which will be adequately protected.
Our mission is to protect, preserve and promote the rock art of this very ancient human landscape, forged by numerous generations of Aboriginal people who have continuously lived in the area for millennia.
How we do it
Protect – we engage with State and Federal government and industry to ensure no further industrial development takes place on the Burrup Peninsula, but rather in more suitable locations. We liaise with existing companies to look at ways to minimise the impact of their activities (such as direct and indirect emissions, controlled actions, and land clearance).
Preserve – FARA works in conjunction with local Traditional Custodians to ensure that we promote local knowledge in a culturally appropriate manner.
We also build alliances with universities and research institutions to further investigate the impacts of large-scale industrial activities on the rock art and identify possible solutions.
Promote – From 2007 — 2022 we ran annual educational tours to the Burrup, allowing people from all over Australia and beyond to visit and marvel at the beauty and complexity of this cultural landscape.
FARA tours are currently on hold until further notice but tours are still available via the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) rangers based in the Murujuga National Park. These can be booked directly via the MAC website. There are also commercial Indigenous-run tours available through Ngurrangga Aboriginal Cultural Tours.
Our Constitution
Goals for the protection of the rock art of the Dampier Archipelago (including Murujuga/Burrup Peninsula):
To work in collaboration with Traditional Owners, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation, Rangers and other stakeholders.
To engage with academia and research institutes to further the understanding of the rock art and people associated with it.
To meet with policy makers and politicians to evaluate best possible outcomes for the protection of the rock art and the empowerment of the communities.
To consult with industry about mutually beneficial ways to mitigate impacts on the exceptional heritage.
To achieve World Heritage listing status by UNESCO as a means to further protect, preserve and promote this rock art for future generations to enjoy.
This is a long list, but FARA is proud of its long achievements and continuing fight for this unique cultural asset.
2006: FARA founded with 10 members — not-for-profit incorporated status granted. Start of international Stand Up for the Burrup campaign which drew the world’s attention to the plight of the rock art
2007: Hon Malcolm Turnbull announces National Heritage Listing of the Dampier Archipelago.
2007: FARA’s first guided tour to the Burrup rock art, including Dr Carmen Lawrence, anthropologists Prof Sylvia Hallam & Caroline Bird.
2007: First interview (of 3) in Karratha with Phillip Adams on Late Light Live
2010 FARA provide a submission to Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) expressing concerns about the proposed development of an ammonium nitrate plant adjacent to the existing fertiliser plant.
2010 Dr John Black (JB) goes on tour. Questions the CSIRO 2007 reports which claimed no damage had been done or would be done to the rock art by industrial emissions which were being used to justify establishment of the ammonium nitrate plant.
2010-13: FARA with JB, has numerous meetings with state and federal ministers and agencies, and Yara Pilbara explaining that the CSIRO reports were not credible.
2010: FARA begins series of meetings with Woodside to urge them to reduce their toxic emissions from Joint Ventures and Pluto LNG plants on the Burrup
2010: Re-establishment of air monitoring procedures by government after lengthy abeyance and re-analysing of data in 2007 CSIRO study, following JB’s persistent and credible criticism
2011: FARA and JB meeting with Tony Burke, then Environment Minister, in Canberra to urge World Heritage listing (WHL) for the Burrup rock art.
2012: Burke orders Australian Heritage Council, under chair Dr Carmen Lawrence, to examine the outstanding universal values of the rock art, who confirms Burrup’s eligibility for WHL but recommends further engagement with the Aboriginal custodians
2013 FARA takes two senior Elders to Canberra to urge Tony Burke to grant WHL to their endangered traditional land, Murujuga
2013-16 FARA meets frequently with YARA Pilbara to urge them to reduce the emissions from their proposed TAN plant to near zero. Their reply: why should they go to that expense when the WA government does not require it?
2014-16: JB signs a confidentiality agreement with WA government to receive CSIRO data which had concluded there had been no consistent change in colour of petroglyphs or background rock from 2004 to 2014. JB shows that 70% of all sites measured by CSIRO became significantly lighter in colour, but WA Minister for Environment refuses request to publish the results. Later, WA government finally accepted that the accepted science to date was wrong.
2015-18: JB and FARA draft plans for scientific project to measure and mitigate the damage done to the rock art by industrial emissions. Meet with Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation’s Circle of Elders 3-4 times to seek approval and collaboration: verbal agreement but no written resolution reached.
2016: FARA seeks help of Bob Brown Foundation and Christine Milne (CM) is sent to investigate the Burrup situation and meet with main stakeholders.
2016: CM instrumental in getting up Federal Senate Inquiry into the dangers facing the Burrup rock art.
2017: FARA engages with Benjamin Smith, University of WA Prof of Archaeology (World Rock Art) to further the Murujuga Rock Art Conservation project
2017: FARA meets with Stephen Dawson, WA Environment Minister, and urges action be taken to protect the Burrup rock art from industrial emissions, particularly those of Yara Pilbara before it is granted its operating licence. JB shares his Conservation project draft: asks for government support.
2017: FARA meet with Norwegian ambassador in Canberra to ask for their government’s intervention with YARA to reduce emissions as the government owns almost 50% of Yara International.
2017: FARA meet with Minister Frydenberg (Environment) seeking nomination for WHL and Federal intervention through EPBC in reducing emission limits for the ammonium nitrate plant.
2017: FARA helps to fund, via crowdfunding, a new Murujuga Rock Art Conservation Project at UWA, led by Prof. Benjamin Smith.
2017: WA government seeks public submissions to inform the establishment of a Burrup Rock Art Strategic Reference Group (BRASRG) – FARA contributes and is named one of the Stakeholders
2018: BRASRG established, FARA excluded but JB allowed to remain as an independent scientific consultant. Two meetings held, JB advises on strategy but is then dismissed as an independent member
2018 – 21 Mar: Senate report on the Burrup finally tabled. Labor and Greens recommend urgent protection of the Murujuga rock art, Liberal member less enthusiastic
2018 – Apr: WA Government proposes extensive new industrial development on the Burrup, risking the likelihood of World Heritage Listing for this world treasure
2018 – Aug: McGowan Government announces start to UNESCO World Heritage nomination process for the Burrup Peninsula
2018 — 6 Aug: World Heritage Summit on Murujuga, with Tim Winton as patron. JB gives a PowerPoint presentation
2019 – Jan: FARA seeks legal advice from EDO and applies for Judicial Review of Yara Pilbara’s operating licence granted by DWER on 29 June 2018
2019 – Jan: FARA sends submission to Federal EPBC to impede Woodside’s Scarborough expansion project
2019 – Feb: BRASRG’s Strategy announced – elongated plans for a monitoring program while new industry continues to be encouraged.
To be updated.